How To Connect a Zebra WT6000 to WiFi

Setting up Wi-Fi on your Zebra WT6000 wearable computer ensures seamless connectivity and boosts productivity. This guide provides a simple, step-by-step process to connect your device to a wireless network, minimizing downtime and keeping your team efficient. If you have any questions, call us at 1.800.585.9030.



  1. Go to Settings and tap on the Wi-Fi- icon.
  2. Select your network (If using a static IP or anything similar, scroll down to “Add Network” and manually input your SSID, static IP or other required information.)
  3. Enter the network’s passcode.
  4. Click “Connect.” You’re Wi-Fi connection icon will appear in he top right corner and it’ll show in the Wi-Fi menu.

Learn more about the WT6000

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