

Terminal Emulation and Advanced Session Management

Brand: Stay-Linked
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StayLinked is a terminal emualtor that runs 5250, VT, SSH and the ancient 3270.  The StayLinked product can be described in one word: Fantastc!  From their support staff to the product itself, it's a great product.    StayLinked is a competing product to Wavelink, RF Term, TE2000 and TekTerm.  StayLinked, however, is a far superior product in a number of ways.  One of StayLinked's advanatages over their competitors is its centrally managed console, which makes an IT manager's life much easier.  If you want to enable a carriage return (enter) or tab, for example, you would change the configuration from the console.  These changes are then automatitcally rolled out to your devices.  This product is also appealing to help desks as its design makes for easy troubleshooting.

For AS/400 users, StayLinked's session management may be of interest.  StayLinked can actually be installed on your AS/400.  With StayLinked, the central console rather than your devices is resonsible for keeping sessions open.  So if you experience a network outage, a worker wanders out of wireless range, or a worker turns off the unit for an extended period of time, your host session is not affected.  In fact, when a device is not connected, then StayLinked will display a "linking" or "out of range" message on their screen.  We detail this feature for you because it is a common praise from StayLinked customers.

Lastly, StayLinked is very easy to demo.  Within 25 minutes, we can have you up and running with this product.  If you try it, you won't regret it.

We love to help people choose the right equipment.  Please call or email us to have one of our experienced consultants help you.   No pressure and no strings attached.

Below is a helpful video laying out the differences between StayLinked and its competitors.


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