
Zebra Push-To-Talk – Should You Consider?

Warehouses are fast-paced environments where every second counts. You've got a team spread out across the floor, each with their own tasks and challenges. One worker needs to communicate about a damaged package, while a manager is trying to coordinate everyone to handle a rush order. In the past, this would mean a lot of shouting, running around, or dealing with the limitations of traditional walkie-talkies. But there's a better way to keep your team connected and your operations running smoothly.

That's where Zebra's Push-to-Talk solution comes in. In this review, we'll explore how Push-to-Talk gives your entire team the ability to communicate instantly, clearly, and effectively, no matter where they are in your facility. We'll dive into the features and benefits of this powerful solution and why it's a must-have for modern warehouse operations.

What is Zebra's Push-to-Talk?

Zebra's Push-to-Talk is a versatile communication tool designed to work seamlessly with Zebra devices and any device connected to a network or cellular network. It offers scalability and flexibility for businesses of all sizes.

Push-to-Talk offers a range of features that enhance collaboration and efficiency, including one-to-one and group messaging, multimedia sharing, emergency alerts, and hands-free functionality.

Empowering Administrators with Advanced Features

Zebra's Push-to-Talk solution provides administrators with tools to manage and monitor communication within their organization, such as GPS tracking, drop detection, and role-based permissions. These tasks are handled through a user-friendly console.

Transforming Communication Across Industries

This solution finds applications in various industries where efficient communication is most needed. Here are some use-cases by industry:


  • Send safety alerts
  • Utilize drop detection
  • Communicate and resolve issues related to damaged products

Shipping and Field Services

  • Stay connected on Wi-Fi or LTE networks
  • Reroute drivers or update shipment schedules


  • Assist customers by contacting managers or experts
  • Streamline order fulfillment and in-aisle assistance

Seeing Push-to-Talk in Action

In our video above, we share a live demonstration using Zebra devices, which shows the speed and effectiveness of communication between devices, even when users were located on opposite ends of a building.

Embracing the Future of Workplace Communication

Zebra's Push-to-Talk solution revolutionizes the way teams communicate and collaborate across industries. It streamlines workflows and enhances overall efficiency with features like GPS tracking, drop detection, and role-based configurations.

If you're interested in experiencing the power of Zebra's Push-to-Talk solution firsthand, reach out to Liberty Systems for a demo or to discuss how this tool can benefit your organization.